These Will Be the New Rates at Toll Booths and International Bridges in Chihuahua


Starting January 10, the rates at the 11 toll booths in the state of Chihuahua increased between 4 and 10 pesos. The most significant adjustment occurred on the Sueco-Villahumada stretch, which rose from 225 to 235 pesos. Other increases include the Delicias-Conchos and Conchos-Camargo toll booths, which went from 85 to 89 pesos.

According to Oscar Ibáñez Hernández, State Government Representative in the Northern Zone, the increases were authorized by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) at the federal level. Ibáñez highlighted that federal highways, such as Juárez-Villahumada and Sueco-Sacramento, are the ones that require the most constant maintenance.

These are the updated rates for the Chihuahua toll booths
Sueco-Villahumada: 235 pesos
Delicias-Conchos: 89 pesos
Conchos-Camargo: 89 pesos
Camargo-Jiménez: 120 pesos
Chihuahua-Sacramento: 94 pesos
Ojo Alegre-Flores Magón: 125 pesos
Santa Isabel-Cuauhtémoc: 147 pesos
Jiménez-Savalza: 95 pesos
Flores Magón-Galeana: 151 pesos
Samalayuca-San Jerónimo: 93 pesos
Chihuahua-Ojinaga: 151 pesos
There will be new rates on international bridges in Ciudad Juárez
The director of the Chihuahua Border Bridges Trust, Rogelio Fernández Irigoyen, reported that as of January 12, the rates on the bridges will also be adjusted International Paso del Norte, Zaragoza and Guadalupe:

Cars: 39 pesos
Motorcycles: 20 pesos
Pedestrians: 6 pesos in Paso del Norte; 9 pesos in Zaragoza and Guadalupe

Source: nmas