Governor invites Taiwanese semiconductor industries to invest in Chihuahua


During her second day of touring Taiwan, Governor María Eugenia Campos held a meeting with the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA), which brings together the 200 largest semiconductor companies in Asia.

At the meeting held in a technology park, Campos Galván explained the competitive advantages of Chihuahua, particularly in Juárez for the supply chain of said industry, inviting them to invest in that border; “we are ready to work together.”

A large part of these technological giants do not yet have a presence in Mexico, which represents a great business opportunity and attraction of new investments to Chihuahua, taking advantage of strategic advantages such as competitive incentives and proximity to North American markets, highlighting the T-MEC region.

The head of the State Executive also held a meeting with senior executives of the United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), one of the main semiconductor producers in the world, who showed her the company’s operating process.

At that meeting, the head of the Executive also presented all the advantages that the state offers for the electronics industry and invited them to visit the state to delve deeper into the geostrategic potential that the state offers within the binational semiconductor ecosystem that exists with the United States.

During this day, she also toured the TSMC Museum of Innovation, the world’s number one semiconductor manufacturer, which has just opened a plant in Arizona.

Finally, the governor attended as a special guest the 50th anniversary dinner of the Electrical and Electronic Products Manufacturers Association (TEEMA), which brings together 3,000 manufacturing companies of all types of electronics, which could potentially invest in the state, to whom all the advantages of Chihuahua for the industry were presented.

Source: elherladodechihuahua