9 thousand vaccines will arrive in Baja California on January 12


Before the end of January, a total of 30 thousand vaccines are expected to have been applied

This morning the Secretary of Health of Baja California Alonso Pérez Rico, reported that on January 12, 9 thousand vaccines against Covid-19 will arrive from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which will be applied and protected in the military facilities.

The head of this agency recalled that these first doses will be applied to the first-line health sector, which includes those belonging to the Ministry of Health, IMSS, ISSSTE, ISSSTECALI, as well as those of the Armed Forces (Sedena and Navy).

It is expected that during this month 30,000 vaccines will be applied to these workers who are facing the pandemic, although Pérez Rico stressed that everything depends on the time that Pfizer makes the deliveries, which so far are being in a timely manner.

The health personnel will move to a meeting point to be registered and then they will go to the military units for the application of the vaccine, where in order to enter they must have a QR code where their information comes, which will be verified with identification in hand. This will be done by hours and shifts.

“When their shift is over, they will be waiting in trucks and they will be taken to the places to go home. They will be counter-shifts, if I am in the morning I will finish my shift and in the afternoon I will get vaccinated, if I am at night in the morning they will vaccinate me and that is how the dynamics will be ”, commented the Secretary.

Following the National Vaccination Plan, the next population to be vaccinated will be the elderly, starting with those in their 80s, 70s, and 60s, as well as those with chronic degenerative diseases, which is expected to be in late February and early February. March.

This population will no longer have to go to military installations, but “surely in all institutions we will have specific vaccination sites,” said Pérez Rico, who added that all institutions have censuses of older adults, which in a case cannot go to the units, the Ministry of Health or other institutions will go to their homes and there they will be vaccinated.

While people who have comorbidities, they will also be verified through their records in medical units.

Authorities commented that more details will be given tomorrow, meanwhile, today there will be a tour of the places where this drug will be applied.

Source: sandiegored.com

Baja California Post