Soldiers shot in two states, one dead; in Chihuahua they are ambushed


Several clashes between security forces and gunmen were reported yesterday in Chihuahua and Zacatecas, leaving one soldier dead.

In Chihuahua, an armed group ambushed and fired on a military convoy on Sunday in the Sierra Tarahumara, where a soldier died after being shot.

The Chihuahua government announced that after the attack, the BOI Cell was deployed in an operation due to the aggression against the military in the municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo.

It was announced that the Interinstitutional Operation Bases (BOI) deployed in the municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo were alerted by a confrontation between armed civilians and elements of the Defense, so they activated an operation to provide attention and support to the military personnel.

According to the ministerial investigation, the military personnel were traveling in a convoy to the community of Dolores, where they were attacked by armed civilians, which resulted in the death of one military element.

The person who lost his life was identified as Alexander V.E., originally from Matías Romero, Oaxaca, and he worked as an infantry soldier, belonging to the 99th Infantry Battalion.

On the other hand, in Zacatecas, three attacks took place. The first took place in the municipality of Pinos, where after an armed brawl between the Armed Forces and police against gunmen, eight people were arrested, including a woman. The intervention of special forces, including the command of the Black Hack helicopter gunship, managed to get the criminals to decide to surrender, seeing themselves outnumbered by law enforcement.

In another event, at the other end of the state, 150 km away, in the municipality of Villanueva, another shootout took place between armed civilians, alleged members of organized crime and police; at this point, six people were captured, including a woman.

A third shooting took place in the municipality of Cuauhtémoc, in another border area with Aguascalientes, where three people were arrested.

Luego de varios operativos en los municipios de Pinos, Villanueva y Cuauhtémoc, Zacatecas, auto-ridades lograron decomisar armamento y detener a casi una veintena de pistoleros. Foto: Especial

Source: excelsior