AMLO proposes a face-to-face return to classes in Campeche for the third week of February


The President said that classes could be resumed after applying the anticovid vaccine to teachers and staff who work in schools in the state.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed to the Campeche government that they return in person to classes for the third week of February, after informing that they will seek to vaccinate about 20 thousand education workers during the weekend, with the new batch of doses of Pfizer that arrived in Mexico today.

In a press conference, the President indicated that the vaccines would not only be for teachers, but for the personnel who work in the state’s schools.

Teachers and staff would be vaccinated “on the weekend so that, in 21 or 28 days, the second dose is applied. Thus, in the middle or third week of February, face-to-face classes will begin in Campeche,” he indicated.

The face-to-face return to classes, López Obrador said, can be considered because Campeche has been on a green light for several weeks.

 “We have to think about education. We have been able to meet that need, the class period has not stopped thanks to the distance education system, through television or the Internet, but we need to go back to school.”

He pointed out that Campeche is not affected by the pandemic like other states, so the vaccination of education personnel would be “a step further” in the purpose of resuming classes at the national level.

He commented that to organize the vaccination, he will establish communication with the governor, Carlos Miguel Aysa González, and union leaders, for which he also requested the support of the teachers of the entity.


The Campeche Post