San Diego and Tijuana mayors reaffirm binational collaboration commitment


San Diego and Tijuana mayors recently met virtually to “reaffirm their commitment to strengthening economic, cultural and civic ties” and to discuss safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, who took office earlier this month, spoke to Tijuana Mayor Arturo González Cruz last week, according to a news release from Glorias office.

“The health of San Diego is directly tied to the health of Tijuana,” Gloria said in the statement.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria

“Families and businesses alike have deep roots in both cities, which makes it more important than ever for the leadership of our two cities to work together through these challenging times, just like we have when tackling major issues such as immigration, cross-border commerce or reducing the sewage from the Tijuana River Valley.”

The mayors acknowledged how the pandemic has severely affected residents and businesses.

They also pledged to promote safety and protect both communities and cross-border commerce in the region.

Days after the virtual meeting, Tijuana media such as El Imparcial newspaper reported that González’s father, Luis González, died from COVID-19 on Christmas Day.

Arturo Gonzalez Cruz, Presidnete Municipal de Tijkuana, BC

The mayors agreed to continue the long-standing relationship of cross-border collaboration and economic development between the cities. In past administrations, it became a tradition for mayors from Tijuana and San Diego to meet once they took office.

“It was important for Mayor Gloria to meet with Mayor González Cruz within his first two weeks in office to keep the momentum going,” Glorias office said.

They also committed to continuing to advocate together in both nations’ capitols, when is safe to do so just as their predecessors did.

Source: San Diego Union Tibune

Baja California Post