Sinaloa Secretary of Economy, Javier Lizárraga Mercado may run for Governorship


The Secretary of State Economy assured that he will wait for the times and the decisions to possibly launch

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The Secretary of State for the Economy, Javier Lizárraga Mercado, assured that he is no longer ruled out as a possible candidate in the 2021 electoral process.

Although the official did not specify with which party or the position he would like to occupy, he did not rule out being an option to occupy the Presidency of Mazatlán.

“I no longer discard myself, I am a person of challenges, I am ready. I continue in my business, there is a lot to do as you already realized, the projects that we bring right now … we continue in our business but we will wait for the times, the moments. We are waiting for where we are going. For now, we will continue in our business, in the Ministry of Economy, and if things don’t work out, then I will continue in my business, “he said.

He assured that the Governor of Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, has not made any proposal in this regard, however, he emphasized that there is much to be done for Sinaloa and Mazatlán.

Who is Javier Lizárraga Mercado

He is a Public Accountant from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey – ITESM -.

He completed the AD-2 -IPADE- Senior Business Management Program .

He served as General Director of Grupo de Empresas Marino , with 25 years in the position.

He is a member of the Sinaloan Council of Entrepreneurs.


He has participated in CODESIN since 1999 as Counselor of the Regional Committee for Economic Promotion of the South Zone, during which time he carried out activities as Treasurer, Secretary and President, as well as Counselor of the Center of Investment and Trade ( CIT Sinaloa ).
From November 2014 to December 2016 he was Executive President of the Council for the Economic Development of Sinaloa -CODESIN- .


He has had various participations as a Director in: Grupo Marino, Monterrey Campus Mazatlán Technological and Higher Studies Institute, Nacional Financiera Zona Sinaloa -NAFINSA- , Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer, Administración Portuaria Integral de Mazatlán, SA de CV -API-, Asociación Nacional of the Coffee Industry –ANACAFE-, Honorary President of the Mexican Council of Foreign Trade Sinaloa -COMCE- , Board of Directors of the Benito Juárez de Mazatlán Sports and Recreation Center, Banco de México, Grupo Salinas and Grupo Financiero Banorte.

He has also been

● President of Canacintra Mazatlán
● Director of Banca Confía
● Director of Red Fosin
● Director of Grupo Inverlat
● Director of Sinaloa EcoRegión and
● President of the South Sinaloa Sports Promotion Board.


The Mazatlan Post