The timeshare sector could grow in Los Cabos up to 3%


The executive president of Asudestico indicated that Timeshare tourism is eager to visit Los Cabos and they work in a coordinated way on new sanitary regulations 

The timeshare segment in Los Cabos could grow this year between 1 and 3 percent despite the difficulties that tourism activity has presented around the world due to the issue of covid-19, according to the parameters of the last year and if there is no other unforeseen event because it is very difficult at the moment to get forecasts.

This was stated by the executive president of the Sudcalifornian Association of Timeshare Developers ( Asudestico ), Francisco Javier Olivares Velázquez, after positively highlighting what was achieved in 2020, that despite the total closure due to the health contingency, very similar sales were registered to those of 2019.

By participating in the virtual meeting of the Los Cabos Early Bird Group, he explained the situation in this sector, before and after the closure of activities in 2020 due to the pandemic.

He spoke about the prospects for the tourism sector in 2021, highlighting that there are different scenarios in the economy around the world, where some estimate projections from very positive points of view and others with negative scenarios, in addition to what may be ahead on the issue of the pandemic at the international level, but despite everything, all difficulties and challenges have been overcome.

Timeshare could grow in Los Cabos up to 3%: Olivares

He explained that in years prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Asudestico has focused on the professionalization of the sector, attacking from all fronts and in conjunction with the authorities of the three levels of government, the serious problem of pirate salesrooms. , achieving the closure of sixteen of these fraudulent businesses, where in addition to operating outside the regulations, they harassed tourists in the middle of the street, which could be achieved based on formal complaints and coordinated work with the Los Cabos Hotel Association.

During the stage of the pandemic, Asudestico was among the first to hold virtual forums to get feedback with other tourist destinations and exchange experiences in what was being done from other parts of the world, “in addition to our Ninth timeshare diploma, which we had to finish virtually and our most important annual event in October of last year, the Seventh International Marketing and Sales Forum Los Cabos 2020, which due to the sanitary conditions that still prevail, was held virtually, with national exhibitors, local and international ”, expressed Javier Olivares.

He also highlighted that tourism promotion continues and virtual meetings were held in Miami and Indianapolis in the United States and in Mexico City, due to the work carried out in conjunction with the Los Cabos-Fiturca Tourism Trust, taking the exchange companies with which they work to the ¨call centers¨ in those cities, reaching more than 600 promoters in this activity that they have continued for 10 years.

Finally, the Early Bird guest from Los Cabos envisioned 2021 with optimism and enthusiasm, since timeshare at the destination represents 40 percent of the total keys and travelers are very eager to travel to Los Cabos, even despite the new sanitary regulations imposed by the governments of Canada and the United States, since they are working together to offer Covid-19 tests to visitors at prices below the market, causing peace of mind in future travelers, with the effort set of Asudestico, Fiturca, Secture and the Hotel Association among many more


The Cabo Post