Culiacan firefighters ask to be considered for the Covid-19 vaccine


The members of the rescue corps call the state government to be taken into account in stage two of the current vaccination plan.

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Through an official letter, the Culiacán fire commanders asked Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel to be part of the priority agenda for the Covid-19 vaccine.

“We respect the priority of application to medical personnel who are in the first line of care, aware of the urgent need for them to be protected. We believe that our staff should be included in stage two of this vaccination plan, since we are directly involved in emergency care, including Covid-19 patients ,  the petition reads.

This letter was also sent to the Secretary of Health in Sinaloa, Dr. Efrén Encinas Torres, hoping that the Culican Sinaloa firemen are taken into account.

“We are exposed and that is why we request this protection, respecting the first line of health personnel. This management is in charge of all the commanders of the fire brigades of 13 municipalities of the state. Waiting for a favorable response, we remain at the service of society ”, they expressed on their Facebook page.

According to the latest state government statements regarding the Covid-19 vaccination plan, phase two that will arrive this week is still to be applied in the health sector, mainly to employees who work directly with coronavirus patients.

Source: OEM

The Mazatlan Post