Faced with hospital saturation in CDMX, they expand care at home


Hospital occupancy in the capital of the country ranges between 88 and 90 percent due to the increase in infections

Mexico City has a hospital occupancy of patients with Covid-19 between 88 and 90 percent, before which the capital government announced the reinforcement of home care with doctors from the private initiative and the installation of 500 beds in the different hospitals of the IMSS, ISSSTE, the local Ministry of Health, Pemex and the Ministry of National Defense.

In a joint press conference where local and federal health authorities were present, Zoé Robledo, general director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), explained that this body has installed 26 Social Security Respiratory Care Modules in its clinics in the city ( MARSS), similar to the local government kiosks, where all people who come forward, whether they are beneficiaries or not, with symptoms of Covid-19 are served.

These modules, he specified, are aimed at people with non-serious symptoms of Covid-19 and those who have had direct contact with a positive case. Patients who attend will be given oxygenation and if necessary a rapid test, so that health personnel determine if the patient is convalescing at home or is hospitalized.

In case the patients are sent home, they will be given an IMSS kit, which will bring 10 masks (KN95) and an oximeter to check oxygen level.

To locate one of the MARSS can be through 800 2222 668, call 5556 58111 or enter the address www.imss.gob.mx/MARSS

For her part, the Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, said that the Health Institute for Wellbeing (Insabi) is in charge of making this agreement with private doctors to attend from this weekend or at the latest next Monday 600 patients, but this program will grow to take six thousand patients daily at home, beyond the 500 that the local Ministry of Health serves.

When it is decided to send a patient home, they must follow different processes, the first one is the recruitment of the patient, registration and monitoring, a clinical file and medical assistance will be opened 24 hours a day; In addition, if necessary, they will receive oxygen at home.

Patients will have an evaluation by specialists, remote monitoring and delivery of a follow-up kit (oximeter, thermometer and baumanometer), medications, laboratory studies, face-to-face medical consultations and telemedicine.

Sheinbaum Pardo acknowledged that the ZMVM has already exceeded the estimated figure of 9,512 hospitalized, as there are currently 9,565 patients occupying beds, but on this he will give an opinion until tomorrow, Friday.

Likewise, he explained that, given this increase, there are already between 88 and 90 percent of occupied hospital beds, hence the importance of caring for patients at home.

“What is being done now is that private hospitals can provide this monitoring, but for free and the State will bear the costs,” he mentioned.

Expansion to 500 beds

From January 14 to 31, another 501 hospital beds will be installed: at the IMSS there will be 211; in the ISSSTE, 150; Secretariat of National Defense, 20: Pemex, 20; and at the Sedesa (Topilejo 100).

Also in the General Hospital Tláhuac of the ISSSTE, with 120 beds to attend Covid patients, they increased to 300, of which 100 have a ventilator, the rest are general beds. The institution estimates to place another 50 more.

To increase this attention there will be 1,500 health specialists, of which 200 come from the Republic of Cuba.

Source: elsoldemexico.com.mx

The Mexico City Post