Campeche tourism challenges prior to elections


Campeche tourist challenges prior to elections where the state Sectur will also change; among them the Covid and its Magical Towns.

This year they change administration and there are challenges for tourism

Campeche will be one of the 15 states that will change administration in 2021 and have tourist challenges.

10 cosas que sólo tiene Campeche - Hoteles en Campeche

Despite being one of the few states with a green light, national and foreign tourists visit other destinations such as Cancun.

That is one of the challenges for the state, which also suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, assured the Sectur.

Another challenge is that they foresee a lower flow of foreign travelers due to the new tax on tourists in Quintana Roo.

Although Campeche will not charge 10 dollars to enter, Quintana Roo will and that could affect the flow through the Peninsula.

The reactivation and tourism promotion, Jorge Manos announced that they will allocate 10 million pesos to promote the destination.

These efforts will also be directed to publicize the new Magic Town, Isla Aguada, and its nature market.

Isla Aguada no podrá ser Pueblo Mágico - Campeche HOY

Likewise, on the island, most of the tour operators and services have Clean Sites certificates against Covid-19.

The impulse of Mundo Maya to promote these sites in conjunction with Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Tabasco, and Yucatán is another challenge.

Recently, the secretaries of Tourism of the entities confirmed that new products will be launched with Central American countries.

Hay 11 nuevos Pueblos Mágicos en México - Claro y Directo MX

A virtual Business Roundtable will also be launched from January 20 to 22 to integrate these products.

Manos Esparragoza mentioned that another challenge, including Covid-19, is to standardize sanitary measures among the states of the Mundo Maya to promote regional tourism.

What is the Maya World Organization?

The Mundo Maya organization was born on August 14, 1992 with the intention of joining forces to promote the greatness of the territory where the Mayan civilization spread, made up of the countries: Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Honduras. Through actions and strategies aimed at creating new tourism products and strengthening existing ones, under the guidelines of sustainable development, the active participation of the public and private sectors is sought, as well as integrating the work of local communities in favor of the integral development of the region.

In Mexico there are 5 states that are part of the Mayan World: Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo and Tabasco, they cover an area of ​​241,784 km2 and it is a priority of the Federal Government to promote the development of the region in the same way as to consolidate tourism as a national priority.

The current region where the Mayan culture expanded offers the visitor the possibility of enjoying the tourist segments of sun and beach, culture, business and conventions, diving, cruises, ecotourism and adventure.

The Organization of the Mayan World has the following objectives, the first 4 are priorities and the following are additional actions that seek the same goal:

  1. Strengthen the integration of the sustainable regional tourism product with integral development.
  2. Promote quality and excellence in the provision of tourist services.
  3. Coordinate promotion and marketing actions as a regional multi-product tourism.
  4. Support the consolidation of the Mundo Maya Organization and the link between Central America and Mexico in terms of tourism development.
  5. Encourage the development and investment of accessible tourism products.
  6. Promote the rescue of archaeological zones.
  7. Promote the sustainable development of the region.
  8. Integrate circuits that include the five Mexican states.
  9. Positioning the Mundo Maya brand by participating in national and international fairs and conducting regional promotional campaigns.
  10. Offer competitive and differentiated tourism products from the Mexican states to the national and international market.
  11. Obtain support from international organizations for the development and strengthening of the Mayan World.


Campeche Post