Health authorities prepare for arrival of Covid vaccines to hospitals in Oaxaca


OAXACA, Oax., January 12, 2021.- Elements of the Federal Government’s Roadrunner Brigades began to work to receive Pfizer vaccines against Covid 19 this Tuesday in hospitals in Oaxaca.

The brigades, made up of 12 people, have the objective of receiving the vaccine packages, as well as preparing the facilities that will protect the medicine.

Each Roadrunner Brigade is formed by two servants of the nation, one of them is the team coordinator, two promoters of social programs, four elements from the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), the Navy (Semar), the National Guard, a nurse and a doctor, and two volunteers.

In Oaxaca, the Brigades will be in 26 hospitals in the regions, before the arrival of the vaccines this Tuesday at 6:25 in the afternoon.

Staff from the Regional Hospital of High Specialty of Oaxaca (HRAEO) welcomed the Correcaminos Brigade, who, starting at 7 in the morning of this Wednesday, January 13, will begin with the vaccination of front-line medical personnel against Covid 19.


The Oaxaca Post