SIX FLAGS will open in Mazatlan?


The secretary of CANACO Mazatlán, assured that it could be a water park

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- No, this is not a joke, the SIX FLAGS Company is considering the creation of one of its parks in Mazatlán!

The Secretary-General of CANACO Mazatlán, Guillermo Romero Rodríguez, stated that the possible project is under analysis and that it would be a water park due to the tourist conditions of the port.

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“SIX FLAGS is currently analyzing the position of arriving, probably with a water park, it brings several projects of which it is also analyzing the power to arrive, which is why we live in Mazatlán,” he said.

Romero Rodríguez affirmed that part of the company’s personnel have already visited Mazatlán and learned about the potential that the port has to offer.

“He is analyzing the arrival as a tourist attraction. It is part of the 50 projects that are being analyzed that can enter Mazatlán. They are seeing the position, they have already come to Mazatlán, they have already seen the potential, and they have already discovered it, “he concluded.


The Mazatlan Post