New covid restriction measures imposed on businesses in La Paz


Children will not be able to enter supermarkets and department stores

This Wednesday, the State Health Safety Committee determined that the municipalities of Loreto, La Paz, and Comondú continue at level 4 in the health alert system in BCS, the other two municipalities, Los Cabos and Mulegé remain at level 3.

Despite not having set back and that the municipalities remain at the same level in the health alert system, the Secretary of Health, Víctor George Flores, mentioned that in Loreto and La Paz the highest number of infections were registered, which continue increasing. 

Therefore, and in order to prevent the number of infections from the Covid-19 virus from spreading, more restrictive measures will be determined in the city of La Paz, especially in commercial activities in accordance with the operating rules that are handled. within the health safety committee and based on the health alert traffic light used in the state. 

In these measures, there was talk of restricting the access of children to supermarkets and department stores, due to the lack of citizen awareness and the high influx of minors in these businesses, likewise, greater attention will be paid to the surveillance of transport public so that drivers and users wear the cover properly.

Similarly, Dr. Blanca Pulido Medrano, head of the Coepris, mentioned that, although they are not qualified to sanction companies or institutions that fail to comply with health measures, they are channeling the cases to the corresponding institutions in order to work together to curb the number of infections by the Covid -19 virus.


The Cabo Post