San Miguel de Allende registers an occupancy of 52.5% during the holidays


Hotel occupancy in San Miguel de Allende hasn’t been as good as it was expected.

Above 52%, hotel occupancy reached its highest peak during the end of the year holidays, ehsn mostly national tourists flocked to this colonial city in the state of Guanajuato.

According to information from the Tourist Council , from December 24 to 27 there was a hotel occupancy of 52.5%: in the years prior to the pandemic, occupancy in the same period was never less than 95 percent.

The economic spill, however, is not yet known. The Ministry of Tourism will have this information at the end of the month or the beginning of February, until they can collect all the necessary data from the service providers that have to do with tourism, food & drink, and travel & leisure such as hoteliers, restaurateurs, bars, transporters, service providers, etc.

Source: Periodico Correo

San Miguel Post